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Fivenotes app

The pentatonic scale takes its name from the Latin words penta meaning ‘five’ and tonus which means ‘sound’ or ‘tone’ and so the pentatonic scale is simply a five note musical scale. One way of overcoming these obstacles and engaging all manner of individuals in music is by harnessing the powerful potential of the pentatonic scale. People may worry about making mistakes or may struggle to overcome their social anxiety in order to participate meaningfully. However, for some individuals the idea of engaging in any kind of activity or group therapy session presents difficulties and can cause fear and self doubt.

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Playing outdoor musical instruments in particular also has the added benefit of enhancing both physical and mental well being by virtue of being outside and having the opportunity to connect with the natural environment. We know that music therapy can dramatically improve the lives of those living with poor mental health including anxiety, depression and dementia 1 and that children who participate in music education become more sociable and demonstrate increased communication and reasoning skills 2. The powerful role of music within our society cannot be underestimated and countless studies have demonstrated that individuals who are able to access music and engage with musical instruments benefit in a huge number of ways.

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